Our Hardware

-Lynx Aurora N

-Michael Brauer's Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor

-Vertigo VSM-2

-Stam Audio Stamchild MKII

-SSL Fusion

At Fidelity Rebellion Audio, we've made the painstaking effort to obtain the best and most versatile hardware in order to bring classic sounds into the modern computer-based era.

This is going to be an expanding list. Click on each name for a more in-depth profile of the hardware piece.

1) Lynx Aurora N-audio interface and converter. A converter is the foundation of everything. You need something to faithfully convert analog to digital and digital to analog audio. The Aurora N routinely ranks among the best converters in the world in any conversation from professional reviews to online forums.

2) Shadow Hills Master Compressor Michael Brauer Edition-The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor is hailed as one of the best compressors ever made and this is the one which was personally owned and used by multi-platinum mix engineer Michael Brauer. It is serial #7 and a unique collaboration between Mr. Brauer and Shadow Hills Industries. The Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor boasts three output transformers that each offer a unique balance for your mix or master.

3) Vertigo VSM-2-The King of the Saturators. The VSM-2 is among the most versatile pieces of audio hardware ever invented. You have the most sophisticated editing available in hardware saturation along with an insert for a compressor and an equalizer that both allow for mid-side and parallel capabilities. The VSM-2 also provides just about the biggest and deepest bass when needed. The creative possibilities are almost endless.

4) Stamchild SA-670 MKII-What is more classic than the sound of the Fairchild 670? Considered by many to be "the holy grail" of compressors, the Stamchild MKII has been hailed as the most accurate recreation of the long discontinued Fairchild 670. The Stamchild MKII boasts 20 vacuum tubes and can expertly make your track sound full, exciting, and wider.

5) SSL Fusion-A multi-faceted device that offers six different simple modules. The Fusion has a vintage saturation drive, minimum phase 2 band shelving eq to sweeten your mix or master, high frequency compressor to tame excessive highs in a manner similar to tape, stereo width enhancer that widens the stereo image in a very natural way, a listen mic compressor for things that require aggressive compression, and an output transformer for added excitement when called for. The design has been exceptionally well thought-out by SSL and all elements work really well together.
